
The Trade Union of Education in Finland, OAJ
The Trade Union of Education in Finland OAJ is the world’s only single profession trade union that protects the interests of education, training and research sector professionals from early childhood education to adult education and training. OAJ is a professional advocate for its members and a key influencer of education policy.
We are a non-profit organization and a community of nearly 115 000 Finnish professionals working in the field of education, training and research – from early childhood education to adult education and training. We act and exert our influence wherever decisions on the well-being of our members are made – at work, in education and in society. We are also a strong education policy influencer and play an active role in regulating and developing the education, training and research sector.
We are the largest member union, in terms of members and influence, of Akava, the Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland.
OAJ takes care of education-sector collective bargaining, some of which is implemented by the Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals JUKO. OAJ may also draw up local agreements in certain matters.
Finnish National Agency for Education EDUFI
Our core tasks are to develop education and training, early childhood education and lifelong learning and to promote internationalization in Finland.
In Finland, the Ministry of Education and Culture is responsible for preparing educational legislation and its share of the state budget.
The Finnish National Agency for Education EDUFI is the national development agency responsible for early childhood education and care, pre-primary, basic, general and vocational upper secondary education as well as for adult education and training. Higher education is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
EDUFI acts as the National Agency for Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps and Nordplus programmes taking care of the implementation of the programmes in Finland. In addition, EDUFI hosts several national programmes that promote internationalization.

Education Finland
Education Finland is a governmental cluster programme supporting Finnish education service and solution providers in their growth on the international market. The programme is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and coordinated by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
Education Finland programme promotes and supports Finnish education exporters and matches their offering with international customers. Together with our members, we aim to create and identify new possibilities for sharing Finnish education expertise globally. The programme gives visibility to the Finnish education know-how, matches the Finnish offering with international demand and increases cooperation between education solutions providers and stakeholders both in Finland and abroad.
Our member organisations represent the best of Finland from all aspects of education – following the principle of lifelong learning. Our members offer solutions from early childhood education and care, basic education, teacher training, vocational education, corporate education and consultancy but also new learning environment solutions from school design to furniture and different world-class digital solutions.
Ministry of Education and Culture
The Ministry of Education and Culture is one of the twelve ministries that together with the ministers heading them form the Finnish Government. The Ministry of Education and Culture participates in the work of the Government by planning, outlining and implementing its policies.
The Ministry prepares acts, decrees and decisions, and it is also responsible for the preparation of matters related to the use of budget funds. The Ministry is responsible for ensuring that the political decision-makers have all the necessary information at their disposal when making decisions.
The Ministry also guides the activities within its administrative branch, represents Finland in various EU bodies and participates in international cooperation.