25.1.2020 11:45 - 12:45 · Equity · Well-being

Schools supporting sustainable development – acting locally

What are schools or networks of schools doing to support SDGs? What are the keys to successful action locally? Insights and best practices will be shared among others by Paula Mattila from EDUFI, Seppo Saloranta, researcher and principal emeritus from Hönttämäki school, Charlotta Holmström from Fingo/Transformer 2030 project, Tuure Noro, a student from Tuusula upper secondary school and Seppo Kärpänen, the principal of that school, as well as Mr. Pema Rinzing Rinchen, director of a school project in Bhutan.

  • Tid: 25.1.2020 11:45 - 12:45
  • Plats: Equity
  • Uppträdare: Mattila Paula, Saloranta Seppo, Holmström Charlotta, Noro Tuure, Kärpänen Seppo, Rinzing Rinchen Pema,